Wednesday 22 February 2012

Happy 100 Day!

On Monday it was the 100th day of school.  This is a big deal in kindergarten and grade 1.  We did a bunch of fun activities on this special day, including making these 100 glasses!

The class, minus 3 boys who were away!

At our school we have 180 teaching days.  That's 2 weeks less than the schools back home.  It's hard to believe that there are less than 80 days left now.  I have a feeling that the next few months are going to fly by!  We just finished report cards and have interviews this upcoming weekend.  Hopefully everything goes smoothly. 

Happy 100 day!


  1. Great glasses! I loved the 100th day activities - 100 seconds of jumping, 100 books read (that day) for a mini readathon, project boards displaying 100 things (bottle caps, stickers, faces from magazines, nails in a board, ... always so creative!).....but my FAVOURITE: 100 minutes of quiet for reading or activities! Good luck on interviews this week :)

  2. CONGRATULATIONS on your 100th day of school! Your class looks adorable...hope you had lots of fun that day!
