Wednesday 15 February 2012

Meet Hidey

Meet Hidey!  No, we didn't get a dog.  This is Julia and Andy's new puppy which they adopted after another teacher at our school rescued her from the side of the road.  She is very cute and such a good puppy!  Her name is Hidey because she likes to hide a lot.  Last weekend we watched her for a few hours.  It was a lot of fun and she was pretty good!  Hidey is so small and calm, you can put her in a shopping bag and carry her around.  It's much easier, since she seems to hate walking on a leash... ha ha!  Anyway, this photo is of Hidey and "El Nido," John's stuffed pug that he bought in El Nido (where else?) ... :) 


  1. Hidey looks really cute. I thought the pug looked real. Does John have a name for his stuffed pug?

  2. Oops! Am I bad? I guess the pug's name is El Nido. A very independant dog that gets along with everyone. Very low maintenance. I love it!

  3. Yes, El Nido is very low maintenance!!

  4. I love this story!!!! I'll bet people think "Heidi" and not "Hidey" when they hear her name, but it is perfect! So she will have a home for at least a year and a half, but then what??? I hope she can travel back home with them. I'm going to tell Mandy the story when I get home. She likes it when I tell her stories about rescued dogs, since she is one herself. Nanna got your postcard from the Phillipines yesterday, and apparently so did Nonna and also your parents, all on the same day!! (I'm writing this as I watch your mom work in the kitchen.) It was great to hear your voice on my birthday - also long distance calls from Aunt Marg, Uncle Ray, and Sam who are vacationing in sunny Las Vegas, and my friend Debbie who has the exact same birthdate as me (same year too) who is vacationing in Florida. Makes me think that I should be vacationing somewhere warm too!!!! Look forward to the next blog. Love, Zia Alba and the other Elliott girls too xoxoxo

  5. My friends are going to keep her and bring her back to Canada. She is going home with them for her first visit this summer!

    I sent you and Alyssa a postcard too... did you get it?? It's weird because my friends in Vietnam got their postcards around the same time too.

    You should come visit Vietnam. It's pretty sunny and hot here... :)

  6. Yay!! Hidey will gain Canadian citizenship!! Just got your postcard in yesterday's mail (Feb.21) - don't know why they come at such different times. I assume you sent the Windsor ones all together, yet they did not all arrive at the same time. On a positive note, it did not take 4.5 months!!!
    <3 <3 <3
