Tuesday 21 February 2012

"Speedy" delivery

Package from Canada has arrived... only 4.5 months later!

I'm very happy to say that the ongoing package saga has finally come to an end... after many taxi rides to random post offices, phone calls, and faxes later.  This package was post-marked October 7th, 2011.  I did not imagine the ridiculous amount of effort it would take to receive it.  Thank you mother for sending it to me, but you don't need to send packages ever again after this fiasco!

The infamous package!


  1. Hope the contents made it all worthwhile! Might have been quicker to fly home for the weekend and pick it up yourself! Lesson learned, right? Bring empty suitcases when you come home for a visit. And when will that be?
    <3 love and kisses from the Elliott girls

  2. Nobody is more annoyed than ME! Luckily, did not decide to send any type of food goods along with the other things! Who knows what that would have looked like by now! Oh well, lesson learned!
