Saturday 18 February 2012

The pulse of the city

Go here:

This is where I live, Ho Chi Minh City, also known as Saigon... the city I have grown to love.  It takes a while to discover the charm of it, but if you can get past the crowded markets and shock of how much traffic there is, you can grow to love it, too.

It's a sprawling city with so many corners that I will probably never discover, but it has a special something that I can't quite put my finger on.

I wish I could say that this video is mine, but it's not... please take the time to wait for it to load, and enjoy it!  :)


  1. And I thought Toronto was bad! Are there lots of traffic accidents?? How do those people randomly walk across the street?!

  2. Truly both amazing and terrifying at the same time...makes ANY day here look like child's play! I do not even understand how this musical "ballet" of cars, motorbikes and pedestrians (?) unfolds. Please be CAREFUL!

  3. There are some accidents, but not as many as you'd think! Crossing the street is ridiculous. In some places there are traffic lights with crosswalks, so you can usually count on those and cross safely... On other streets, the best strategy is to just start walking out slowly, and keep going. The motorbikes will go around you! It takes a while to get used to and it still kind of freaks me out, but that's what you do. If you wait for the traffic to clear before walking, you'll never leave the edge of the sidewalk!!!

    The traffic here is something that must be experienced first-hand! I can't fully explain how crazy it really is.

  4. This is AMAZING!! The guy who created it must have spent hours with editing, but what incredible results! I agree about the accident thing - how are there not more of them??!! Thanks for posting this one.
    <3 zia alba
