Tuesday 26 June 2012

Back in Canada!

I arrived yesterday morning in Toronto after nearly 24 hours of travel.  It was a long day, but I'm happy to say that I'm back in Canada!  Right now I'm staying at Vanessa's place in Mississauga.

The plane ride from HCMC to Seoul was bumpy and I didn't sleep much (only half an hour maybe at the end).  The good news was that at the Seoul airport there were rooms where you could have free showers and use hair dryers.  Cool!  Seoul to Toronto was lonnggg.  Maybe 14 hours or so?  I don't really know and was confused about the time zones.  The ride was mostly smooth and I was able to sleep for a while on the plane.  It was my first long haul flight on Korean Air.  I think Cathay Pacific has better food (Haagen Dazs?!  YES!) but Korean Air served up some so-so meals and one great one (bibimguksu aka noodles and vegetables with chili paste).  Cathay Pacific also had better entertainment (more TV options!) ... but I think Korean Air had slightly better seats.  Anyway, when you're on a flight that long it's going to be sort of uncomfortable unless you're sitting in the exit rows or in first class!

After arriving at the airport, I took a cab to Vanessa's place which was about 15 minutes (maybe less) and cost $40.  The same cab ride in Vietnam would probably cost $10 or less.

I felt good after arriving, but then started to get sleepy in the afternoon.  I set my alarm for a one-hour nap that ended up being 4 hours (the alarm went off but I didn't hear it and Vanessa shut it off!) ... when I woke up it was 6:49pm.  I couldn't believe it!  I went to bed at around 11 but woke up at 3:45am... oops!

Today Vanessa had to do some assignments for her course and Adam was at work, so I walked to the mall nearby.  I felt a bit overwhelmed walking into the mall... I'd forgotten how much stuff costs here.  I saw Bubble Tea which cost $5... it costs 50 cents in Vietnam.  Did not buy.  I did buy some clothes for work which weren't too expensive by Canadian standards, but the amount I spent could have bought me tons of clothing in Vietnam at the market.  Oh well!  I did pay a visit to Tim Hortons and got a bagel with cream cheese and hot chocolate... my fave!  It was weird waiting in line for so long and seeing people of so many ethnic backgrounds.  Vietnam is pretty Vietnamese and people don't wait in lines.  They basically push their way to the front, whenever possible.

Also, I must note that it's pretty cold here. 21 degrees!!!  I'm used to it being over 30 degrees every day.  Crazyyy.

Anyway, that was my first full day back.  It's good to be back!!!!

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