Friday 22 June 2012

Last day of school

Today was the last day of school.  It was only half a day.  At the end of the day, all the teachers waved goodbye to the students leaving on buses.  It was funny because some teachers started singing the "Na Na Na Na... Goodbye" song hahaha!

It was a decent first full year of teaching.  It did not come without its challenges.  Some of these challenges were just from being inexperienced and others were definitely due to the particular circumstances of the class.  It's not easy teaching the Ontario curriculum to a class full of ESL students, some having entered the year with almost zero English skills.  I know that I can build on this experience and make things better for next year.

After work, we went to the most popular pub with teachers on staff called "The Tavern."  Goodbyes were said... it was hard to say goodbye to a few teachers who will not be returning next year.  I'll also be missing our friends that we won't be seeing over the summer.  We'll meet again in August!

For now, I have to do more laundry, clean, pack, and then get on a plane tomorrow evening bound for Seoul, and then connect to fly to TORONTO, CANADA!!!!!

Hen gap lai... see you soon!!!!!!!!!!!

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