Tuesday 12 June 2012

Visit from Switzerland!

On our trip to Laos in April/May, we met a lovely Swiss couple during our stay at the Gibbon Experience.  Our group shared a treehouse with Sacha and Simone for several days.  They are travelling around Asia for several months, and are just coming to the end of their travels.  They stopped in HCMC for a few days to see the sights and stayed at our friends' apartment.  They even made a visit to our school!

Here we all are at dinner, eating Vietnamese food.  The waiter seemed to have no idea how to use a camera so that's why the photo is blurry... haha!

Anyway, it was nice to see them again.  I love meeting people on our travels.  Looking forward to visiting them in Switzerland some day... :)


  1. How wonderful! Now you have friends in Switzerland...such a beautiful (and clean) country!

  2. It's great to make connections with people from other parts of the world. We would love to meet them in Canada too :)
