Sunday 10 June 2012

Beautiful Sunday!

Happy Sunday!

This is a song that a kid in our class sang, karaoke-style, for show and tell a few months ago.  The students really liked it so we decided to sing it for the year-end grade 1 celebration.  Here's a video I made to go along with the song performance... click here.


  1. LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE the video (as well as the song)!!!!! What a GREAT idea! Thought That Mr. Harry's cameo was very cute!

  2. Also, the actions are perfectly coordinated to the lyrics...these kids are fantastic!!!!Not shy! Love it!!!!!!!!

  3. Cute kids! Looks like everyone is having a great time :)

  4. Sandy says: "I think the song was cute and the kids were really cute but the principal was the cutest of all!"

  5. Glad you all liked the video! :)
