Sunday 17 June 2012


Found this on a few friends' Facebook pages... well-written!


  1. So true, and yet there are people who never wander too far from their own front porch for fear of.....?? something? They don't know what they are missing. Glad you are really living while you are making a living, It's always nice to be able to do both.

  2. ...and when you get home in less than a week, you can tell us what your "ahhhhh" moments were <3

  3. What an awesome letter!!! I have always said that TRAVEL opens your eyes to so much and it's true...when you return home, depending upon where you have come will have a new found appreciation of so many things!!! (Plumbing, maybe?) Some of the BEST memories of my entire life are those spent when I was in my twenties travelling the world!
