Thursday 7 June 2012

Field trip!

This week we went on a field trip.  The kids visited a mini "city" and got to pretend they had jobs like pilot, fire fighter, artist, etc.  They could dress up in uniforms and go to work!

They really enjoyed it.  The good thing about this trip was that the place was enclosed and the kids could roam free.  The guides helped them to experience the different jobs and the teachers could just relax, haha!  Actually, we tried to go inside some of the "buildings" to take photos but were told that it was for kids only!

Luckily, the day went without any major issues.  We did have a student at one point call home on her cell phone that she brought on the trip, telling her mom that she couldn't find her friends.  Then the mom called the school secretary, who then called the teacher to inform her that the student was "lost."  HAHA!


  1. That sounds like something a kid would do!! I'm assuming they were not supposed to bring cell phones? I remember taking my Gr 1's to London Children's Museum where we experienced two activities: "Street where you Live" - similar: dressing up as various jobs, and "Digging into Dinosaurs" where they literally got to dig in sand pits and 'discover' fossils, as well as dress up like dinosaurs. Maybe when you teach in Ontario it can be a field trip destination? See you soon :}

  2. I totally agree with Alba...sometimes a field trip for the teachers and/or chaperones is NOT such a fun experience!Oh well....
