Monday 22 April 2013

Happy Earth Day from Vietnam...

It's April 22nd here - Earth Day!  This month the grade 1s participated in a garbage clean up around the school.  We gave them plastic gloves to pick up the garbage, which was literally strewn all over the grassy area across the street from the front of the school.  This area is not technically school property, but it is right across from the school where all the buses park near.  It's not nice seeing empty plastic cups and bottles, cigarette boxes, random papers and snack wrappers thrown all over the grass.  Collectively, the four grade 1 classes picked up 22 bags of garbage within around 45 minutes.  Crazy!  What did you do for Earth Day?

Mine and Jess' classes picked up 13 out of the 22 bags!

1 comment:

  1. WAY TO GO KIDS!!!!! Happy Earth Day from Canada...we worked in the garden all morning, trying to make our piece of the earth more beautiful!
