Wednesday 24 April 2013

How old are you Ms. Angela?

Favourite question of the day:  "How old are you Ms. Angela?"

This is one of my favourite questions to answer to small children because they always have no clue about the concept of age.  I'm either 10 or 100 or somewhere in between.  I usually have them guess, just for fun.  A girl in my class asked me this question today, and her first guess after hesitating a while was "12?"  When I told her I was older, her guesses went up, in increments of 1 year... 13?  14?  15?!?!?!  She was pretty shocked when I said 30.

Grade 1s can be pretty amusing sometimes!

A student made this paper version of me for my b-day!

1 comment:

  1. us, you ARE still that little girl...guess that how parents will always be, no matter how old their children get!
