Sunday 21 April 2013

I love long weekends!

It was so nice to get a long weekend off work... this month has been busy for me.  Last week I just finished my third and final observation lesson (the vice principal came to watch 3 of my lessons and evaluate me on my teaching).  I haven't received the feedback yet, but it's a nice feeling to be finished with that!

Besides dog sitting this weekend, John, Greg, Angela, Will, and I made a random trip to Lotte Mart (the Korean version of Walmart, which is also in Vietnam) to go bowling.  It was a lot of fun!  After bowling, we decided to try out a Korean bar that is right by our place.  Just like in Korea, they give you lots of free food if you buy drinks.  We ordered some soju and chicken but then got free popcorn, egg soup, coleslaw, radishes, among other things.  Thanks for the "serbice-uh" (aka service), as they call it in Korea!

A small group of us also did some baking at our friend Rachel's house.  Ovens like we have back in Canada are rare, so if you are lucky enough to have a toaster-oven type thing that sits on your counter, you can bake stuff!  We made apple crisp and muffins.  Yum!

Only a few hours left of this long weekend and I am going to spend it catching up on TV shows and eating my Veggie Delite sub from Subway (yes, we have Subway here... and we can order it online, delivered right to your house!) ...

It was a great weekend!!!

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