Sunday 28 October 2012

Back in da hood

While in Korea, we could not pass up a visit to Hadan, our old neighbourhood.  Hadan is on the outskirts of the city and is the second last subway stop on one end of the red metro line.

Living in a neighbourhood with hardly any foreigners was tough at times, but now that I'm currently living in a neighbourhood which is pretty much all foreigners in Vietnam, I can appreciate my old Korean neighbourhood.  It definitely gave me a true cultural experience!

While in Hadan, John visited his favourite place - the batting cages near the university!  Just like old times...

One of the strangest things was walking by the old apartment.  I paid a visit to the corner store which I used to buy groceries from.  The lady who owned the store remembered me, and she gave us all free milk.  In my experience, Korean people can be so generous and kind.  At first, they may be reserved or shy, but after getting to know you on a personal level, they are so warm and will be your friend for life.


  1. Must feel a bit wierd to be back in "da hood"

  2. Yes, it was weird ... a bit more ghetto than I remembered it to be!

  3. Well of course, "...moving on up ... to the east a deluxe apartment in the sky .... {in Vietnam}
    you're in the penthouse now, baby!
