Monday 8 October 2012

It was a dark and stormy night...

On Saturday night, tropical storm Gaemi hit the coast of Vietnam near Hue, which is quite a distance away.  I knew the storm was coming, but didn't know how much rain we would get.  The downpour started just before 7:00pm and was immediate.  John was out at the corner store buying some snacks when the rain began.  He said within 4 minutes the street was flooded.  Minutes later, he said that part of the road was flooded almost up to his knee.  Crazy Vietnam weather!

Before the storm began, we had ordered kebabs for delivery from a new restaurant in the neighbourhood.  Good for us because we got the food delivered without having to go anywhere and get wet, but bad for the delivery lady.  She somehow managed to look pretty dry, and all our kebabs stayed dry because she transported them in plastic bins!  We ate the kebabs (less than $1 each and delicious!) while watching Survivor on TV.

Survivor + kebabs + tropical storm = good night!


  1. John looks very scary here!!! Glad you had a good evening! :))

  2. I know I'm reading an older post and it is currently Nov. 1st, but after reading this, and after seeing all the pictures and video from the Hurricane Sandy visit to the eastern seaboard, I'm glad we are not living in a flood zone/hurricane area. Just other potential disasters....
    like tornadoes
