Tuesday 30 October 2012

Lotte Lotte Lotte Lotte!!!

On our last night in Busan, we were lucky enough to have tickets to see a second-round playoffs baseball game... Busan Lotte Giants vs. Incheon SK Wyverns.  John's co-teacher Sumi got us some tickets, which made us very excited!  One of the reasons we decided to stay in Busan the entire week was because of this game, and I'm very happy we stayed in Busan the week to wait for it.

Baseball games in Korea are always exciting.  There is even an "Exciting Zone" that you can sit in, where the mascots/dancers are to get the crowd pumped up.  Playoffs baseball games in Korea are even better!  Many people (including us) showed up hours before the game.  We had unreserved seats, so we needed to get there early to secure a good spot in the outfield.

The game was pretty intense.  In the last few innings, orange bags are passed around and the custom is to fill it with air and tie it, then put the bag loops over your ears and wear it on your head.  I'm not sure how/why this started... I think it's for good luck, but they seem to do it at every game!  At the end of the game, you can take the bag off your head and put your garbage in it, and then toss it in a bin on the way out.  Smart!  Only in Korea...

Lotte ended up beating SK 4-1.  The crowd was going crazy!!!  It was an awesome night and we are very thankful for the tickets that Sumi gave us.  It was sad leaving Busan, but our adventures did not end there...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Going to a ballgame there looks and sounds like a wonderful experience. Even your mother might enjoy going. Just no extra innings!! The San Fransisco Giants won the World Series. Maybe The Busan Lotte Giants might win the Korean League Championship.

  3. They didn't win the series (SK did)... and then the Samsung Lions beat SK. Oh well, maybe next year Lotte!
