Thursday 11 October 2012

Baking time!

Today we went on a field trip to a bakery on the other end of town.  The students got to learn about healthy eating and ingredients that go into making bread.  Then, every student got to roll out some dough and make a bun.  After the buns went in the "magic oven" they came out and we got to sample them with butter and honey.  It was fun, and we were given chocolate chip cookies to bring back to school for snack.

Tomorrow is the last day of school before the fall break.  Korea here we come!!!


  1. a great field trip opportunity!!
    I remember taking my (12) grade ones and about 6 parents to Spago on Erie Street where they saw how the wood stove oven worked and the chef made pizzas for us for lunch. The adults enjoyed espresso as well. Best class, fond memories - love field trips!!
